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Eden Prairie

English & Spanish Program!
A Place For Today’s Children
A Minnesota Day Care, Child Care, Preschool, and Education Center
We Teach Children to Become Strong Individual Learners
Our Five Core Areas:
* Social Interaction
* Emotional Development
* Physical Strength
* Academic Growth
* Health & Well-Being
Come discover what Today’s Life Schools & Child Care has to offer!
Spanish Language Program
At Today’s Life, our toddler, preschool and pre-k groups receive regular instruction and practice in the Spanish language. During regularly scheduled play and circle time activities, our Spanish language teacher converses with children in a natural way. Through play and exploration, children are encouraged to experiment with new sounds, words, and sentences.
When exposed to this rich linguistic environment, your child isn’t just learning a second language, he or she is also developing intellectually.
Infant Care & Education
We follow a weekly, theme-based curriculum that includes a daily circle time where we sing songs, display pictures, read stories, show flashcards, and more. We also do sign language, art projects, daily sensory activities, baby massage, and many other interactive activities. For the safety of the children, we offer both non-mobile and mobile infant classrooms.
We strive to help your child develop in all areas.
Toddler Care & Education
Our structured schedule allows children to have the comfort of knowing what to expect from a day at school. We do a daily group time where the children learn new information and practice colors, numbers, letters, and shapes. During this time of academic learning, children are also practicing when to sit quietly, listen to the teacher, take turns, and have patience.
Our classroom is designed for toddlers, ages 16 months to 33 months, to explore, play, learn, and utilize all of their senses.
Pre-School Program
The classroom environment at Today’s Life & Child Care is set up with a variety of interest areas, all with a changing array of hands-on learning materials and toys. The creativity, confidence, independence, initiative, curiosity, and persistence of your child are supported as they experiment with new content areas that are guided by our weekly theme. As each child makes decisions about what he or she does each day, high-level thinking skills are being practiced and perfected.
Pre-K Program
As your child approaches kindergarten, it is natural for you to contemplate his or her readiness to meet the joys and challenges of a new academic environment. Our pre-k classroom is both a continuation of our early childhood “play is work” philosophy and an intentional strategy to provide the skills and attitudes necessary for success in school.
Your child experiences social situations that foster teamwork, in addition to participating in joyful interactions that support all areas of early childhood development.
Quality Care Checklist
Your child is precious! To help you feel confident in your decision, we invite you to compare the quality of our care and educational expertise with other providers you visit.
Click on this link to download our detailed Quality Care Checklist to aid you in
evaluating the best fit for you and your child.